Launch with Lee to go from void to deployed in days. High quality software for your business with unlimited change requests.

What we offer

  • Public and private websites and apps
  • Optimized competitive web presence
  • Custom e-commerce solutions
  • Consulting for apps, designs, and web
  • Unlimited reviews and changes

Our top priorities


Reliable all the time. Our products are well trusted by your users.


Our products get things done fast when your users want them done.


We make seamless experiences for everyone and every device.


Intuitive design so your users accomplish their goals with ease.

Examples of our work

Companion AI on iPhone 14 Pro

Companion AI Learning

Pacific Barbers on desktop

Pacific Barbers

Before and after analytics

Local restaurant Google PageSpeed improvement

Etherwallet on iPhone 14 Pro

Etherwallet: Ethereum Wallet for iOS

Food Finder on iPhone 14 Pro

Food Finder for iOS

Tracer Mobile NFT Marketplace

Tracer: Mobile NFT Marketplace

What people say

headshot of Truong V

Truong V

Software Engineer

You've gotta work with Lee. Seriously. He genuinely cares about making things great.

headshot of Yolier W

Yolier W

Business Owner

Very professional and has a lot of knowledge about what he's doing. I recommend him 100%.

headshot of Yannick M

Yannick M

Software Engineer

I've been in software for over 10 years now and can confidently say, hire Lee.

headshot of Lorenzo M

Lorenzo M

Product Manager

If you need help with tech of any kind, no doubt Lee is 100% the guy to go to.

headshot of Justin G

Justin G

Software Engineer

Lee always surprises me by getting the unthinkable done in half the time.

headshot of Jeremy H

Jeremy H

Product Designer

Lee's good at this stuff. Whole heartedly recommend any service from him.

Our pricing
We keep it simple for you. One plan per project and no subscriptions. Explore FAQs.

Professional plan


Made for driven businesses that want to become the best in town.

  • Optimized website or app
  • Rank high on web results
  • Unlimited premium support
  • Team size of 1-6 members
  • Single purchase per project
  • Negotiable plan pricing
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